Saturday, 9 August 2014

New York is top choice for arbitration in the US

New York is top choice for arbitration in the US

New statistics reveal that New York is the top place for arbitration within the US, attracting almost three times as many arbitrations as Miami which was second.
New York is the number one city for international arbitrations in the US
The findings were in the 2013 statistical report of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) which revealed that the ICC registered 767 new cases in 2013. Of these, 22.8 per cent involved parties in the Americas, US parties were involved in 8.2 per cent of all ICC arbitrations in 2013. The city was chosen as the seat in 63 per cent of new US cases and New York law was chosen to govern the parties' disputes in 52 per cent of new US cases, ahead of California and Texas at 13 per cent each. It was also, by far, the most popular seat for international arbitration in the US with three times as many arbitrations as the next most popular seat, Miami. New York was also one of the six most important arbitral seats worldwide, along with Paris, London, Geneva, Zurich and Singapore.

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