Commercial property: competition and use
Commercial property lawyers have been
largely untroubled by the 1998 Competition Act, thanks to the statutory
instrument which excluded land agreements (such as leases) from the
scope of that act. Although the exclusion was revoked in 2010, there
have been few cases.
The recent case of Martin Retail Group Ltd v Crawley Borough Council
[2013] WL 7090797 shows just how wide-ranging the effect of the act
could be on commercial property agreements. Martin Retail operated a
newsagent and post office in a small parade of 11 shops in Crawley. The
lease renewal itself seems to have been uncontested but the user clause
was in dispute and was referred to the court as a preliminary issue.
The landlord council sought to uphold its estate management
policy, designed to ensure a diversity of small traders. Each lease in
the letting scheme had the effect of restricting the user of the
relevant premises to a particular trade or business. The various leases
were drafted to dovetail together to prevent the tenants in the shopping
parade from competing with each other.
Another of the shops in
the parade was a convenience store. The tenant wanted to sell
convenience goods such as milk and washing powder, and argued that the
restrictions imposed by the landlord were anti-competitive.
Practitioners will know from cases such as Crown Estate Commissioners v Signet Group plc and another
[1996] 2 EGLR 200 that a landlord seeking to rely on its estate
management policy needs to be ready with its evidence. In that case, the
Crown Estate filed an annual report to parliament and had a number of
written documents specific to the Regent Street estate (pictured) based
on professional advice and careful research.
These were used to evidence its estate management policy for the area.
tenant may not have known the detail of the various Crown Estate
documents but the judge found that ‘to a considerable extent management
or management potential was certainly generally known’. On that basis,
the Crown Estate had acted reasonably in withholding consent to an
assignment, change of use and alterations. The case was decided while
land agreements were excluded from the Competition Act.
That act
provides that agreements which have the effect of restricting
competition are unlawful, unless they meet four criteria for exemption.
The landlord in this case conceded that the user clause did have the
effect of restricting competition. The issue before the court was
whether the user clause was saved by the statutory exceptions in section
9 of the Competition Act. These are that the agreement:
1. Contributes to improving production or distribution or to promoting technical or economic progress.
2. Allows consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit.
3. Is indispensable to achievement of the objectives at (1) above.
And that it does not afford the parties the possibility of eliminating
competition in respect of a substantial part of the products in
The landlord’s estate management policy was not written
down but was apparently known to the council officers. Nor was there any
written evaluation of the policy.
A party seeking to propose a
change to a lease being renewed pursuant to the 1954 Landlord and Tenant
Act must produce sufficient reasons for the variation and satisfy the
court that the requested change is fair and reasonable (O’May v City of London
[1982] 1 All ER 660). By contrast, the party arguing that an
anti-competitive agreement falls within the section 9 exemptions is the
one which must discharge the onus of proof.
Therefore, the
combined effect of the tenant pleading the Competition Act and the
landlord conceding the user clause to be anti-competitive was to reverse
the evidential burden.
Without relevant judicial guidance on how to assess the parties’ evidence, the court in Martin Retail Ltd
looked to the guidance published by the Office of Fair Trading, now
adopted by the Competition and Markets Authority. The guidance notes
that in most cases, user clauses are unlikely to restrict competition.
It is not clear why the landlord in Martin Retail Ltd conceded that the user clause did restrict competition.
needs to consider the relevant market to determine whether competition
is actually restricted. For example, were prices higher as a result? The
duration of the restriction is also relevant: a longer restriction is
more likely to have a significant effect on competition. However, in
this case the landlord’s concession meant those considerations were not
relevant to the outcome of the case.
The court held that the
landlord had not provided evidence in relation to its tenant mix policy
to sufficiently demonstrate that distribution of goods would be improved
or that economic progress would be promoted through the user clause it
sought for the lease. The exemption criteria are cumulative, so there
was no need for the court to consider the remaining three limbs.
the judge did provide some commentary on the relevant geographic
market: the market is relevant when determining whether competition has
been eliminated. Both parties produced what was described as ‘some
limited evidence of the views of local residents and local traders’. The
evidence was correspondence and petitions, which could not be tested by
Despite the subjective nature of this
evidence, the judge held that the market for convenience stores was the
distance a local resident might walk from the relevant parade to another
convenience store, and that this was half a mile. Note that other UK
merger control cases have considered a five-minute drive time as the
marker of a geographical market for convenience stores. This point seems
not to have been considered by the court.
It will be clear from
this brief analysis that landlords now need to make sure not only that
their tenant mix policies are properly documented, but also that
evidence of their benefit is available. Practitioners who have closely
followed the commentary on this case will note the contrast between
views provided by commercial property lawyers and those of competition
The latter remark the paucity of evidence and market
analysis in this case. A tenant’s adviser contemplating arguing
Competition Act issues should be prepared to obtain and review
considerable (and doubtless expensive) expert evidence.
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