Serving the justice needs of the poor
To be able to deliver appropriate legal
services to the rural and tribal communities, we need an alternative
delivery system with a different model of legal service providers
Delivery of legal services to the rich
and the corporate class is organised not through individual lawyers but
through a series of networked law firms. These firms employ hundreds of
lawyers and domain experts all over the country to provide highly
specialised single-window services to their clients, of course at prices
determined by the market. The middle class, which cannot afford their
services, go to individual lawyers or publicly-funded legal aid services
organised under the Legal Services Authorities Act. In this scheme of
things, it is the poor and marginalised rural and tribal communities who
are left out. They suffer injustice or seek justice through informal
systems, including the so-called “khap panchayats.” It is this sort of
situation prevailing in the countryside that provides a fertile ground
for the exploitation of the poor and for the growth of extremist forces,
undermining the rule of law and constitutional governance.
Myth of legal aid
The 1973 Expert Committee on Legal Aid,
titled “Processual Justice to the People,” which eventually led to the
enactment of the Legal Services Authorities Act, discussed the futility
of the court-centric litigative aid to the poor and marginalised
sections, and recommended a series of alternative strategies. Obviously,
the emphasis was on legal empowerment and mobilisation, preventive and
strategic legal services intended to avoid victimisation, and the
development of a public sector in the legal profession capable of
responding to the problems of the rural and tribal communities.
Unfortunately, when the legal aid law was enacted, the focus again was
on assigning a lawyer to the needy client who took the task in a
traditional style of protracted litigation with its attendant costs,
uncertainty and delay — much to the dismay of the poor. Moreover, the
system was premised on three assumptions which were contrary to ground
realities — that the victim was aware of her rights and knew how to
approach courts; that legal aid offices were available in far-flung
villages and tribal settlements; and that the lawyer assigned had the
right values, attitudes and competence to do a professional job
appropriate to the justice needs of the rural/tribal population. These
assumptions did not hold good in a majority of villages and, as such,
conventional legal aid became irrelevant to the rural population.
Language and communication compounded the situation, alienating the
marginalised from a court-centric justice system. One alternative the
Legal Services Authorities Act provided was the “Lok Adalat”, which
lawyers disliked. The judges, honourable exceptions apart, turned it
into an exercise to reduce arrears in courts through what some people
call “forced settlements or hurried justice.”
Nonetheless, the Lok Adalat did serve the
cause of justice for those who could reach the court despite all the
odds. For others, legal aid had very little to offer. The Supreme Court
did help them in a big way in the 1980s and the 1990s through the
instrument of public interest litigation (PIL), which later lost its
importance because of wide abuse by the urban elite and vested
interests. Although it is difficult to generalise the legal needs of the
rural poor because of the diversity of population, the need for food,
shelter, education, health and work are admittedly the priority. The
Constitution has left it to the legislature and the executive to
progressively realise these needs through laws, schemes and special
At the same time, the Constitution
promises to all its citizens equality of status and opportunity, as well
as equal protection of the law. Finding that large sections of the poor
are unable to fulfil their basic needs even after decades of democratic
governance, the Supreme Court sought to interpret socio-economic rights
(Directive Principles) as civil and political rights (Fundamental
Rights), compelling the state to come forward with laws empowering the
poor with rights enforceable under the law. The Right to Education Act,
the Food Security Act, and the Employment Guarantee Act were promising
initiatives in this direction. However, the poor continue to be at the
receiving end of an indifferent administration because of the
difficulties in accessing justice through conventional legal aid.
We, therefore, need an alternative
delivery system with a different model of legal service providers in
rural and tribal areas. How can one fix the land rights of the poor when
they have neither ‘pattas’ nor other valid documents? How do water
rights and forest rights get protected from exploitation? What happens
to government-sponsored schemes for food, sanitation, health and
employment, aimed at alleviating the misery of the poorest of the poor?
How to ensure that children are in school and are not abused and
exploited? What can be done to prevent atrocities against the Scheduled
Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in villages, and their forcible
displacement? Where do they get credit for their livelihood activities
and how are we to prevent victimisation in the process? Do they have
fair market access for their produce? What happens to the bio-diversity
of rural and tribal areas? How best to preserve and protect traditional
knowledge and other intellectual property rights of the rural poor?
What about the labour rights of the
unorganised rural poor? How are the rights of farmers to be protected
against profit-hungry multinationals’ monopoly on seed, fertilizer and
pesticide business? Are the villagers being exploited by state agencies
like police, forest officials, banks, revenue officials and mining
lobbies with impunity because of the inaccessibility of the justice
system? Why is it that the Gram Nyayalaya Act, supposed to extend quick
and cheap justice to the rural poor, is neglected by lawyers and judges?
Need for an alternative
When these questions were raised in a
professional development workshop recently at Bilaspur in Chhattisgarh,
the consensus was that we need an alternative model of legal service
delivery to rural and tribal communities, for which a new pattern of
legal education needs to be developed. The mainstream law schools are
not clear in their mission. Legal educators blindly follow the Bar
Council-prescribed court-centric curriculum, producing law graduates
unfit to serve the justice needs of the tribal and rural communities.
With such advocates, even a well-intentioned legal aid scheme cannot
deliver justice to the marginalised sections.
The Bilaspur Workshop evolved a framework
of an alternative LLB curriculum for the education and training of
legal service providers, appropriate to rural and tribal needs. While
the mandatory part of the BCI curriculum is accommodated, the
alternative model identified over 40 subjects relevant to rural needs to
be included in the optional component of the curriculum. However, the
workshop felt that the new type of legal service providers proposed
under the alternative model is not distinguished on the basis of
knowledge of law only, but in terms of a different set of skills,
attitudes and values relevant to the rural/tribal communities. It was
proposed that the final year of the five-year LLB programme be devoted
to experiential learning through social justice and legal aid activities
in rural areas under the supervision of NGOs, self-government
authorities, collectorates, and legal aid committees besides law school
professors. The experiential learning is through clinical courses
developed by law schools for appropriate credits.
Lawyers’ cooperatives
Students seeking to set up practice in
rural areas will form themselves into what may be called lawyers’
cooperatives or rural law firms, and train in advocacy before public
bodies, administrative authorities, Gram Nyayalayas and regulatory
agencies, besides courts and tribunals. They will be assisted by trained
para-legals from among school dropouts and social activists of the
area. The fee for each legal service will be fixed and notified by firms
and they will be affordable. These rural law firms will be organised
professionally on the lines of urban law firms in terms of technology
and quality of services. Cheap, prompt and reliable services will be the
hallmark of rural law firms. The law school will give the successful
candidates not only an LLB degree but also a diploma in rural legal
practice, which will distinguish them from the rest.
It will be the endeavour of law schools
adopting this curriculum to assist the graduates to set up their
practice in rural and tribal areas, organisationally and financially.
Towards this end, the law school will approach the large urban law firms
to extend their help as part of their corporate social responsibility.
Besides, State governments and the National Legal Services Authority
will be asked to give them subsidy in locating their offices in villages
and recognising them as public defenders for identified services. Some
law schools in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and
northeastern India have shown interest in adopting this model of legal
education. The immediate problem, of course, is to find the right kind
of teachers who can deliver under this alternative curriculum. To meet
this challenge, there is a proposal to offer a one-year diploma in Law
Teaching and Research to teachers of law schools in these States, with a
view to augmenting the available resources.
To conclude, the Bilaspur Declaration
offers the hope that Indian legal education will turn round and look at
the constitutional mandate on responding to the unmet justice needs of
the large body of rural and tribal communities in the near future.
Professions are, after all, for the people and no profession can survive
without their trust and support. The earlier this is recognised by the
organised Bar and the government, the better it will be for the country
and the professions themselves.
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