Tuesday, 22 July 2014

SON OF SOIL: Shivraj Singh Chouhan - A tale of a state and its leader

SON OF SOIL: Shivraj Singh Chouhan - A tale of a state and its leader

Mr. Shivraj Singh Chouhan, 54 took leadership of the heart of India, Madhya Pradesh, at that time when it needed the most strong influential leader to lead. The state was in its worst condition. The wind was against him, he had the task of climbing the hill. But the made it look so easy, and as a result today Madhya Pradesh is at par in every ammenities, resources that other states of India like Gujarat, Rajasthan, U.P., Delhi,etc. have. But their has been a large difference between the leadership and the developments that took place in Madhya Pradesh. What are they..??
Nobody, ever in their dream had thought that this 54 year old mature and down to earth man, born in Sehore will make Madhya Pradesh as the shining star. This man took charge from the Babulal Gaur and began his task. His primary tasks were to fill the state treasury back, to provide the rural developement, to create more employement opprtunities, and to create M.P as the biggest industrial hub. These tasks were not as simple as they looked in the paper as a list, but indeed very difficult.
This man started many new policies for his newly adopted state and one of them was Mukhya Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna. Under this policy he connceted nearly every village, town, block to the highways. Under this policy 80,000 K.M. of road was to be constructed and as he promised to his rural people, he did fullfilled it, a very rare sight - a politicain fullfilling his promise. This facilitated the easement in the transportation of goods and services, health services, tourism etc. Next he introduced many women empowerment prgrammes. The most highlighting among them was Ladli Lakshmi Yojna, under which whenver a girl child was born state byus the national certificate of certain amount and then it was arranged in such a way that after girl accquiring age of 18 was used for her marriage purpose, education purpose and other related activites. The Kanyadaan Yojna was another peculiar policy initiated by Mr. Chouhan it didn't only gave 7,500 to poor families for thier daughter's marriage but also earned a lot of resepect and votes (much needed) from these rural families. The most strong among these policies was Janani Suraksha Yojna it provided free economic and medical help to the pregnanat lady till the delivery. Even the issues related to after birth of child were also taken care off by the state.
The centre of attraction for Mr. Chouhan didn't only remained for the rural people that too women, but bought a lot of incentives for the urban families. The infrastructure management of the state went sky-rocketing, when the power management systems of the state went upto 6,000 MW then the earlier power production of 2,900 MW. The Atal Jyoti Abhiyan to supply power 24X7 to all the districts present in MP was also implemented successfully by this great personality. Even the Mukhyamantri Swarozgaar Yojna to provide 1000 job opprtunities in urban sector also elevated the status of Mr. Chouhan. The cottgae and small scale industries were also re-structured by taking them back in the hands of Government. The response to foregin private investements have also added stars to his leadership. The introduction Infosys as SEZ with an investement of Rs.400 cr. and providing more than 1000 employement opprtunities, introduction 'best-price' retail stores, and restructrization of many public industires have gave a new sphere to trade and business in Madhya Pradesh.
The organising of monthly Yoga camps, Mid-day meal school, free medical check-up of students en-rolled in government schools, sabhas with younsters searching for employment within their village, distribution of school dress and by-cycles have imprssed the voters a lott. Once asked in an interview, Mr. Chouhan's main reason for his success, he added that, it's not alone the faith of public upon him and the participation of public equally with him and in his programmes have proved to be a turning point for the state of Madhya Pradesh. M.P. was also declared as the highest Wheat producer for the year 2011-12 and also for 2012-13. The irrigation facilites have also been enhanced by this brave CM of M.P. The improvement of PDS and efficent redressal system constructed for the farmers have given him the third consecutive year as CM of Madhya Pradesh. Even the tourism facilites have earned a lot of name for this brilliant personality.
But certain de-merits that have been till now suppressed by his good-deeds are like lack of incentives for the government servants that are employed in education departments. The new strategies for the universities and colleges have till now shown no result. According to the opposition party, Mr. Chohuan has been more interested in the developments of the rural sector but have forgot to develope and nuture the urban sector also. The water supply and sanitation facilities have still been the problem for the state of M.P. even the level of Primary and basic health care units have not risen above the standard, the are actually below average. In contrast, the policies fo urban families is less as compared to that for rural families. The public transport system has been a major issue for the citizens of M.P. The activeness of Akhil Bhartiya Vidhyarti Parishad, Bajrang Dal is seem to be increasing day by day. The police authorities have failed to prove their presence and their ineffectiveness is showing many parts of M.P. high on crime charts. The corruption has been the major problem for the state of M.P and Shivraj Singh Chouhan.
People and Media often compares the state of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. In that sense both the states have the "brothers from different mothers" but talking about the Modi and Chouhan their seems to be a great difference. The inclinement of Mr. Chouhan twoards the minority muslim groups is much more flexible than that of Mr. Modi. Gujarat CM has till now unable to prove his charisma to sufferers of Gujarat 2002 riots. Fake encounter killings and ignorance of backward muslim communities have been the major drawback for Mr. Modi. While the recent communal strikes in state of UP (Muzaffarnagar) and illegal sand mafia cases (Durga Shakti case) have doubted the regime of young and vibrant Mr. Akhilesh Yadav. The "Hindutva" or the "hardcore hindu politics" has been the substance of rule for Mr. Modi and Mr. Yadav. Comparing Mr. Chouhan no such communal differences have been occured in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
Still Mr. Modi has been the most influential personality since last 2 years. His boldness and effectiveness to display his ideas and utilization of resources for his state's development have been the lead taker between two competitor's. One being more bold (Modi) and other being soft and till now hesitated can create difference in future political arenas. But for the time being the accounts and efforts of Mr. Chouhan for his State M.P. cannot be ignored by anyone. He has definetly proved himself as the ultimate son of soil. He has powered his way out and continue to do so. He has been the dark horse of the grwoth tales in the state of M.P. and people love him for being that..!!!!!

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