Justice Markandey Katju has continued his indictment of the collegium system on his blog, now alleging that then-Chief Justice of India (CJI) KG Balakrishnan pushed hard for the elevation of Justice PD Dinakaran to the Supreme Court, despite strong evidence of corruption against the latter.
While not mentioning Dinakaran by name but dropping enough hints about his identity, Katju recounted from his own time as a Supreme Court judge, when he had told his senior brother judge Justice SH Kapadia (who was on the collegium and whom Katju said he holds “in great respect for his high integrity”) of the “very bad reputation” of Dinakaran in terms of integrity. Katju claimed he gave Kapadia “many details” that Katju was privy to because he was chief justice of the Madras high court where “this judge” was on a bench.
Katju blogged in his post with the title “How the Collegium actually works": 

How the Collegium actually works

When i was a Judge of the Supreme Court one day I went to the chamber of Justice Kapadia during the lunch interval. At that time Justice Kapadia (whom I hold in great respect for his high integrity ) was in the Collegium of the Supreme Court, and Justice Balakrishnan was the CJI.

I told Justice Kapadia that a Chief Justice of a High Court, who had earlier been a Judge of the Madras High Court, had a very bad reputation about his integrity. I knew this because I had been his Chief Justice in Madras High Court, and the Chief Justice gets information from a large number of sources. I then gave many details about this Judge to Justice Kapadia.

I told Justice Kapadia that I had heard that this Judge was being considered for elevation to the Supreme Court, so I thought it is my duty to inform him about this Judge, and now it was for him to do whatever he wants. There was no point informing Justice Balakrishnan, the then CJI, because in fact, according to my information,Justice Balakrishnan was pushing for elevation of that Judge to the Supreme Court.

Justice Kapadia thanked me for this information, and requested me to keep informing him about such matters.

Despite my informing Justice Kapadia, the Collegium of the Supreme Court recommended this Judge for elevation to the Supreme Court, and he would certainly have been elevated but for the protests of lawyers of Tamilnadu who furnished documentary proof of that Judge's corruption, e.g. large scale land grab done by him. Then he was transferred to Sikkim. Later an impeachment motion was brought against him in Parliament, but he resigned before it could be passed.

About a year or so thereafter I met Justice Kapadia in a party and told him that I had warned him an year earlier about the Judge, but no heed was paid to my warning. I told him that consequently great embarrassment had to be faced by the Supreme Court.

Justice Kapadia said that he remembered that I had warned him an year earlier, but Justice Balakrishnan, the then CJI, was adamant on elevating this corrupt Judge,saying that he ( Justice Balakrishnan) was earlier a Chief Justice of Madras High Court and knew that the allegations of corruption about him were untrue.
"Justice Kapadia thanked me for this information, and requested me to keep informing him about such matters. Despite my informing Justice Kapadia, the Collegium of the Supreme Court recommended this Judge for elevation to the Supreme Court, and he would certainly have been elevated but for the protests of lawyers of Tamilnadu who furnished documentary proof of that Judge’s corruption, e.g. large scale land grab done by him. Then he was transferred to Sikkim."
Katju claimed that Kapadia told him a year later that he remembered Katju’s warning but CJI Balakrishnan, also a former chief justice in Madras, had insisted on Dinakaran’s elevation because he claimed that the allegations against him were untrue.
Last week Katju had begun his collegium whistleblowing campaign by blogging allegations about successful government pressure on the collegium to extend the tenure of a judge, despite questions about his propriety, and earlier today he tweeted, implying that more than 20 per cent of judges were corrupt.